ANTM. Almost to the end. We’re down to three “pretty girls standing here before me.” I was too full for my brownie batter tradition, so I had a couple small pieces of chocolate and was good with that.
Dinner at Biff Burger with Grandma and Grandpa Rick. Kids had lots of fun. There were tater tots and motorcycles, and a new toy, and of course grandma. Happy for grownups, too, because we got to have a little relax time.
Ivy went to Grandma voluntarily. No crying, no hiding. She wasn’t exactly running up and hugging her, but she’s getting there.
Went to a thrift store and wandered through the toys and videos. How much fun did the kids have then? I think it might have been fun for G to have to pick only one toy. Choosing is fun, even if putting toys back is not. He ended up getting a Hotwheels Dragon castle thing.
Painting with the kids. They really enjoyed it. Ivy said “paint, paint.” Sometimes I forget how young she is, because she sure talks a lot more than G did at her age.
I finally picked up my paint set and painted a little drawing I had in my journal of animal/people in the woods. G and Ivy were enthralled. That’s why we took out their paints, too.
I think I want to go back to the old idea of selling my artwork on etsy. Or maybe down here in Florida, because for all of it’s weirdness, St Pete is a very artsy town. But the idea I had a long time ago to make a monsters alphabet is coming back. I can see how I might achieve it. The planning I did before being overtaken by the need to move is actually starting to make sense. And my uncle thought it was a great idea, too.