Saturday, June 07, 2008

6/7 The Day of Domesticity and a Butterfly

Bedtime hugs and kisses, climbing into G’s bed w both of them and reading stories, then bedtime, bedtime. Put them down, kiss, “I love you” and then close the door. Shhh. No sounds. Tip toe down stairs. Shhh.

I got myself a new coffee mug. Oh, my indulgences. 4.50. It’s so cute. Nothing fancy, just green glazed pottery with some graphic lines. Good size. Good heft. I can’t wait to have my coffee in it tomorrow. I have missed a good mug.

A grocery trip that I thought was going to cost everything I had in my wallet because I got a few indulgences (mug, toy cars for the kids, pepperoni, sherry… nothing big) but I must have been very budget minded about the things that actually were on my list, because I was only 25$ over my real budget.

A butterfly that flew by my head when I was outside trying to get good reception for my cel phone.

The kids woke up to the sprinkler going in the back yard. Oh how they wanted to play in it. And I let them, even though I had just cleaned and dressed everyone. They had so much fun. And when they were done, they had droplets of water in their hair, glistening like crystal, and big smile on their faces.


I watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show with my uncle last night. With his projection screen, I thought I should have the watergun, umbrella, popcorn, noisemakers, toilet paper, etc that go along with the experience. Instead, we just had spaghetti and red wine and watched the thing. I think I must have been drunk or something the other times I’ve seen it, because I hardly remembered the movie at all. Or maybe it was because I’ve never actually just sat and watched it. It might just be the bestest bad movie ever.

G discovered The X Men, and boy did he love it. He loves the super powers, although I think that he thinks all super power guys are bad guys. I was trying to help him understand that there were also super heroes, who were good guys who took care of people. Maybe I shouldn’t be showing my three year old movies like X Men and Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, but he kind of accidentally stumbled onto the genre… and all of those movies were movies that I avoided showing him because I thought they were too mature, until somehow he found them and was enraptured. Give him a choice between Lady and the Tramp and Lord of the Rings, and he’ll go for the “bad guys” every time.

Not having to go to work yesterday. I had one of the other waitresses take my shift because I was having minor panic attacks about leaving the kids and all the coordinating and really not making much anyway. It was so much easier to take care of the kids by myself when I wasn’t worrying about getting ready to go to work and hauling the kids with me and wondering how my Step Father was going to manage. We just took it easy at home, and it helped.

Left over fish and chips for lunch. An unexpected (I didn’t know it was in the fridge) and hearty meal.

Oh, Ivy has finally discovered strawberries. She always spit them out before, I think they were too tart. But she has just decided she liked them.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

6/4 The Day Papa Left But We Managed a Good Day, Anyway

So You Think You Can Dance was on tonight and I got to see the auditions… WITH brownie batter on spoon.

Our first night without Papa, and I managed dinner, bathtime, changing time, milk time, story time and bedtime with no problems. It’s been a while since I’ve done bedtime by myself. It’s almost a little easier with out two grown ups. Well, making dinner sucked, but once everyone got fed, it was easier.

I made the kids soup with chicken and greenbeans. Ivy only ate the noodles, but G ate the chicken and the greenbeans and was very happy.

They had chocolate pudding for dessert, and let’s just say it was well received (up to the eyebrows.) They’ve never had chocolate pudding before.

Before Papa left, he took the kids for a ride on their new tricycle, even though it is still too big.

And we had a water fight with their new waterguns. Squirt squirt.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


We went out with the grands to have dinner at Bif Burger, a good ole burger joint.

There was a guy playing guitar, and the kids got up and started dancing. They went over to the dance floor and danced up a storm. Danced together, danced with grandma and grandpa, danced with mama and papa, just danced.

G also got to play the tambourine for a song. He didn’t quite get the beat or the way the thing worked, or that he was supposed to play the whole song, but he wanted to walk off with it. He also got his first taste of rock stardom and somehow, I have the feeling, not the last.

I got a comment today on my blog from another blogger I really respect, one who I turn to for inspiration and wisdom. And she said I inspired her. :)

6/2 The Day of Not Having Words of My Own

“You are the music while the music lasts.”
T.S. Eliot

“Yes is a world
& in this world of
yes live
(skilfully curled)
all world.”
e.e. cummings

G The Monkey Man

Monday, June 02, 2008

6/1 The Day of The Radio Flyer Tricycle and Wings

Bedtime stories, both kids in G’s bed with me, mostly cuddling, only a little squirming, and Papa reading stories to them.

Playing monster with G. I would growl and roll toward him on the office chair and he would scream and laugh and run away, saying “scared!”

Brought home some chicken wings for a fun dinner. Ordered mild, but got some hot sauce for the grown ups to dippity dip.

My mom picked me up from work and we went to stop at my other Uncle’s house. He lives in Georgia or someplace now, but is renting out his house and he came down when the renters left. I missed seeing him, but apparently the renters left some things. So we stopped by the house, looked at the porch and there were some things there, a whole bag of wipes and a cute broom with bug eyes, and…

A RADIO FLYER TRICYCLE!!!! Much happiness ensued when we walked in the door with a tricycle. It’s still a little too big for them, but G is ready to try. My mom says some blocks on the pedals and it will be just fine.

At work, it got busy very early… uncharacteristically, before opening, even. I didn’t even look at the clock until 2 o’clock. Busy makes me happy, even if I’m not really making all that much money, I like to be busy when waiting tables. It’s actually fun. Unless they all ask for their check at the same time, which they did. That is a little stressful.