Friday, June 27, 2008

6/27 The Day of Good Work

Managed to post on my blog by cutting and pasting and mouse clicking, even though I had no keyboard.

Finding out I wouldn’t ever have to work again with a particular person at work who drove me (and everyone else) batty.

Fixed my hair during another session with my scissors. Maybe a little more tweaking still needs to be done.

A good sandwich (grilled chicken, swiss, bacon and ranch dressing.)

Customer brought in a harlequin macaw (not a scarlet, not a hyacinth). Cool bird. Pretty. Very old. Almost as old as the guy.

When the insane rush of customers finally receded and I got to close out and go home. (it wasn’t always busy, just had a crazy rush for an hour or so.)

Hearing my mom’s stories about the fun G and Ivy had playing today. Bath time. eating lots of chicken. Riding the horseys at the playground. Chasing bugs in the grass. Falling asleep in the carseat.

Writing over a thousand words today despite the funk.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

6/26 The Day of Singing and Dancing and Writing

Saved a baby lizard that was lost in the sink.

G remembered the “this little piggie” song and was trying to do it with Ivy’s toes. Even though I hadn’t done it in years. They remember such strange things from so long ago.

Wrote over 2000 words in my novel. I hit the ‘glow” I felt it starting to make sense. glad I deleted half of what I’d written. I may have to delete another 50 pages. Is it possible that I have written almost 150,000 only to get to the beginning? People sometimes look down on nanowrimo for the speed with which you tackle a novel, but I don’t think it makes much difference when you’re writing your way into a story. It just depends on how much you let your internal editor get control of you, and when your delete button finger starts to get itchy. For me, it seems to be 150,000 words in.

Doing little piggies and singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider with the kids. Then I started singing more songs. I always forget how much singing makes me happy until I start to sing.

Peanut butter cups in my icecream.

SYTYCD especially the opening number.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

6/25 The Day of Some Things Starting to Work

Sesame Street. G is fascinated with Elmo’s Alphabet Race Game. Both G and Ivy are dancing to the Vegetable Song. It is interactive play today.

Blueberries and hotdogs for lunch.

Fixing my camera. It wasn’t really broken but the screws had come out and it was only a matter of time. Had a found pair of sunglasses that I scavenged for tiny screws. It worked!

When my uncle’s computer came back on after I spilled coffee on a corner of the keyboard. It’s not TOTALLY ruined.

When I got the ‘delete’ key back on after trying to take it off and clean it out. These things are hell to reattach.

Talking to G about big boys who use the potty. It’s hard to learn all the stuff like going down stairs or using a spoon without spilling. but he gets to do all sorts of fun stuff like turn 3 and I told him about his birthday and asked him what he wants to do and he said chocolate cake, icecream, blueberries, monsters and dinosaurs, balloons, running and dancing. That’s what he wants. I can do that.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6/24 The Day of The Kids Getting Bigger

G peed in the potty. At first, he peed around the potty and only accidentally got some in, but he received huzzahs and applause and his own song and much dancing and a piece of chocolate. Then, he peed in the potty again, this time in purpose. Repeat rejoicing.

Cuddle play with Ivy

Ivy amazes me with her verbal ability. Her vocabulary is tremendous, even beginning to say sentences and she’s not even 16 months.

The kids are so big now, even Ivy is not a baby anymore.

Left G and I looking out of the window, waiting for the cardinal to come back to the tree, watching the rain fall.

G is learning to count. He has one, two, three and sometimes four and five. He has all the colors. His language is rapidly developing, despite how long it has taken. He is learning to say the J and the TH and the L, although D and T are still hard.

Monday, June 23, 2008

6/23 Random Firings of my Brain

The word “tool.” It’s a good word. And I mean, as in “he’s a tool,” not the handy type. It’s funny.

Stella Artois. Just because.

Helping people. I like that people can be inspired by things I say and go on to live a better life.

Having brainstorms and finding the perfect thing to write in the moment.

The kids helping me with putting the laundry in the washing machine.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sausage, corn, french fries for dinner. Cherries for dessert.

The kids got lollipops. They don’t get them often, in fact, Ivy looked at hers like it was a suspicious creature on the end of a stick. But then she took a lick. I believe the response was mmlmmlmmlmm, the thing she licks her lips and says mmm at the same time. And then there was sticky lollipop everywhere.

Got out of work early and got to my moms house while the kids were ‘napping’ meaning Ivy was asleep on the couch and G was in his room wide awake and playing silently. I had an afternoon beer and flipped through a magazine.

Went to get big boy underwear for G… we are going to try potty training this week. Yikes! But he chose his briefs. A set of Transformers, and because I figured I’d need more than three… a set of Spiderman and his friends. No Diego. I was surprised.

At work, I found a strange fungi on a tree trunk and took so me surprising pictures.

Coffee. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Coffee.

The gust of wind when we got out of the house with the kids. G stood there, and shook his long, luxurious red curls in the strong breeze, smiling wildly. Then he pretended that the wind was blowing him away. “woah, woah, woah!”

6/21 The Day of Rain, Photos, and Beer from the Fellas

Beautiful rain this morning. Soft and gentle, but heavy. G and I watched it out the window. “Yay, yay,” he said. “Rain.”

Ivy, so serious when I told her to get a toy to go to grandma’s and grandpas. She looked at me, nodded, and then strutted off around the corner into the play room to look for a toy. She picked two soft rings, exactly like the two rings that G had.

Discovering that the soft rings from the caterpillar toy could be a great tossing toy. G has a need to throw things, and as balls tend to wander off, he throws things like shoes and giant robots. no. no. So giving him the soft rings allowed him to express his throwing without hurting people or delicate objects.

Went to work. Still raining. Dead slow. Rain not good for an outdoor restaurant. So I decided to take some photos. Perhaps I will post them later. Photos all around the Sunset. Some self portraits. Some abstracts. Some straight shots of the restaurant. It was a little fun, I don’t do much photographing besides taking pictures of the kids, of which I have taken thousands.

Got out of work early, since there were too many waitresses, too few tables available with the rain and all, and too few people to fill those seats. I went to the back bar and hung out with the manager who was working and had a couple of beers, all of which were bought by the guys sitting there. Yes, they were old guys being friendly to the waitress, but there were also other guys giving me the eye. I wasn’t receptive, just friendly, but I still have a little of the some’in, some’in.

Mom picked me up, and we brought the kids home and put them to bed and sat and talked with Uncle, which was fun.

MORE readers for my blog. I am always surprised when I am called funny, because I don’t really think of myself as funny, although I do enjoy looking at things with humor. I guess I think of myself as way too serious for my own good, but maybe I have my moments. That’s good. I’ve spent too many years way too serious.