Listening to Barack Obama’s speech, it occurs to me that I WANT to vote for him. I believe in him. He believes a lot of what I believe. I was a Hillary Clinton supporter before and was disgruntled by them both soon after. But I like O too! Enough to vote FOR him, and not just AGAINST the Republicans. Woo hoo for a glimmer of hope and faith in the system!
My best friend from High School found me on Facebook. I have been looking for her for I think years now. I did not know her married name, and she moved to New Jersey. But now we have initiated contact again! Wee!
Some slow and steady successes with potty training the boy.
Made myself an honest to goodness sandwich for lunch, with coldcuts and mayo and lettuce and tomato and everything. I don’t usually do that, but it did the job very well, thankyouverymuch.