Saturday, August 09, 2008

8/9 The Day of New Games-- Are You Going to Play or Not????

Ivy has decided she likes to run around with a blanket on her head. I can’t tell if she’s a monster/ghost or if she is wearing an outfit. The girl does like her clothes/hats/shoes/lip gloss. Help me.

G and Ivy were playing tag. G would tag her and run away. They would run around the table a few times, then G would catch up with her again and tag her again. I don’t think she quite got the point, but she liked the running.

Inspiration Thursday picked MY illustration as one of the showcases for last week! Shrink was the prompt.

8/7 The Day of Very Close and Far Away

Getting in touch with an old college friend on facebook. I hadn’t talked to her in so long, and for once, it was a GOOD friend, not just a casual friend.

A package for the kids from their grandma. Oh they love getting packages.

An important email from a friend who is living in Costa Rica. Even though we are far, we can still be close.

G and Ivy ask to call papa on the phone. Particularly Ivy. She is quite clear about wanting to talk to him.

8/8 The Day of Bedtimes and Art Supplies

Going to bed early. I didn’t even read. Just turned off the light and passed out.

My art supplies came from Dick Blick. I haven’t had the chance to use them yet, but what fun to open up a box and see all the wonderful colors. Ooooh, all the potential.

G and Ivy had such fun playing with Uncle today. They love him.

G sitting up in bed and “reading” Alice and Wonderland.

Walking through the garden and taking a moment to listen. Sounds through out the neighborhood. Someone singing as they rid by on a bike. The neighbors having dinner. Birds. A child crying because she doesn’t want to go to bed yet.

8/1 The Day of the PlayGround by the Sea

Went with my mom to a new neighborhood. We were supposed to go on a “Gallery Walk” but instead, found a playground and spent a couple hours there, then went for icecream.

G and Ivy met a little boy and they played with him and his mom. G particularly love the mom, and kept pulling her this way and that. Ivy particularly loved the boy, sitting on the bench next to him and saying, “hi.”

Ivy feeding G cheerios.

8/2 The Day of Some Writing and Forward Motion

I actually WROTE in my novel during the kid’s nap time. I didn’t avoid it at all. Yay. I am still worried that it is writing around what I should be writing, but I think I have to write it first to know what I need to really be writing.

My slowly changing attitude towards my art, my work, my writing, my career, my business, my life and myself. Step by step, and I will get where I want to go.

Good posting on my blog. I read back and realized there is something developing in the larger scope of things. Not sure what yet, but it seems to be something of a unified vision.

8/3 The Day of One, Two, Three, Four, Five... Six!

The big double grocery cart shaped like a car.

G’s happiness at getting a Go Diego Go I Can Read book. It’s only a matter of time folks. He may actually be reading before he can speak clearly.

Bedtime. They love to cuddle in bed with mama and read books.

Sponge alphabet. Oooh. Look, a G. An I.

G has 6 bobos (pacifiers) 6. And he likes to count them. 6 is new. It used to be 5 but we found another one in hiding. We have tried to get rid of the bobos, but it’s not time yet. He only uses them at bedtime and agrees to that. I think we’ll get rid of all of them at once, rather than having them disappear at the same time. Maybe we will do a bobo fairy and have her leave some good toy in their place. But after potty training. One traumatic event at a time, please.