Thursday, January 15, 2004

Hi there!

ahh, beginnings... the blank page, the new year, the empty slate.

Actually, we make up all those beginnings anyway. What makes this year really new from the old? Someone who decided January first was the reset button. And that's not to say that there is no new beginnings, rather, every moment is the possibility for starting over.

It's a little scary to think that everything in your life could be changed at any moment-- really it could. But it's exciting to think so, also. Any person you meet could be the love of your life, or say that one word that makes you look at life in a different way, or give you a gift you never thought you would recieve.

I suppose also that any moment could be the end. We never really know when our time is going to be up, but that only strengthens the fact that we have to, HAVE to take advantage of the life that is given to us. That's why I've chosen to look at my life as full of wonder, to see the possibilities in front of me as amazing, not cut them off with cynicism and pessimism.

Even love. After all the normal heartbreak and trauma that any thirty three year old woman growing up in New York City, I've come back to believing in love-- True love. Not just regular old love, parental, and platonic and humanitarian, but true love, the kind that our tongue-in-cheek too-cool-to-be-suckered society doesn't admit exists. (but really, deep down, they all want a knight in shining armor, or they want to be one.)

So I believe in the possibility of true love in my life. (I'm hoping that if I say it enough, I won't back slide into my but-not-for-me mindset.)

I also believe in the possibility that I can be an artist. I can be a writer. Published, shown, represented, whatever it is. I believe that I can stay true to myself, and people out there will want to read me, or be inspired by my art.

I believe I have something to say.
I believe that the everyday grind is not going to grind me down.
I believe I can get my ass in gear and do what I need to.
I believe I can fly-- if not literally, and not in the corny ass song way, then at least I am not going to fall when I leap into the void-- leap head first into that rabbit hole.

Don't know where it will take me.

Might as well find out.

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