This weather is killing us. I am quite ready for May, enough of this "coldest winter in 25 years."
Not only is it killing us with frigid temperatures and shivering bones and wicked colds that EVERYONE is getting, but man, business sucks.
Everybody wants to stay in and cuddle under the covers. Who wants to come out to a mexican restaurant and have frozen margaritas? The manager is too optimistic and keeps putting all these people on staff-- 5 people this Saturday, and the restaurant really isn't that big. It's hard to make your long hours worth it. And maybe the eighty dollars will be a drop in the bucket for the rent, but seriously. There's nothing like the "waiting" part of waiting tables to make you bored out of your skull.
So we had to pass the time somehow, and most of that was in mindless conversation.
And yet... maybe it's a reminder that even a day that you write off as a waste can be important to your life.
In the middle of one of these casual, off the cuff conversations with my coworkers, I said, "my mission in life is to inspire people." I said it without any premeditation, without any deep significant meaning to it, not intentionally. It just popped right out of my mouth, and after I said it, I had to think about it.
My mission in life is to inspire people.
I don't think I'd ever really brought it together like that. But everything I've been doing for the last seven years has been about that.
I've been following my life and what feels right, and I've known that I have something I have to do in my life, without ever knowing quite, exactly what that was.
Who knew a boring day waiting tables would be the last piece I needed to drop into place so I could see the whole picture?
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