Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/18 The Day of Thoughts on My Work and Moments with My Kids

Writing in my journal last night before bed, and having the epiphany that everything I have been working on in my life for the last twenty years is starting to come to fruition, and part of it is because of the struggle and the questions and the detours and the tiny tiny babysteps that never seem to get me anywhere. It is happening, and it is not luck, it is persistence and hard work and passion and practice and doing things for the love of it all.

Popsicles in the garden with G and Ivy. Half naked kids, running around dripping frozen neon sugar water. I took pictures. Oh, they loved it.

I made chicken and it was tasty. And G devoured the greenbeans I made with it. Green beans, I said. Vegetables! Jump on it. Encourage it. The key is to use frozen green beans, actually, and sautee them with butter and salt and pepper. The fresh green beans are too tough for him to eat. Vegetable and convenience, both.

More compliments on line. Great compliments from people who know what they are talking about. I am quite breathless at it all.

Enjoying my day of mommying without having to go to work. Paying attention to the moments where they are laughing and playing, loving being with mommy and having her attention. Taking the time out of tasks to give them that time. Finding a possibly imperfect balance between doing my work and being mom, and being okay with the imperfection, and trusting in my kids to be able to grow and flourish without my perfection.

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