Wednesday, June 04, 2008

6/4 The Day Papa Left But We Managed a Good Day, Anyway

So You Think You Can Dance was on tonight and I got to see the auditions… WITH brownie batter on spoon.

Our first night without Papa, and I managed dinner, bathtime, changing time, milk time, story time and bedtime with no problems. It’s been a while since I’ve done bedtime by myself. It’s almost a little easier with out two grown ups. Well, making dinner sucked, but once everyone got fed, it was easier.

I made the kids soup with chicken and greenbeans. Ivy only ate the noodles, but G ate the chicken and the greenbeans and was very happy.

They had chocolate pudding for dessert, and let’s just say it was well received (up to the eyebrows.) They’ve never had chocolate pudding before.

Before Papa left, he took the kids for a ride on their new tricycle, even though it is still too big.

And we had a water fight with their new waterguns. Squirt squirt.

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