Friday, July 04, 2008

7/4The Day of the Kid's First Fire Works Show

S came back after 6 weeks in NY. It was nice.

G was SOOOO happy to see papa. Ivy was a little shy, but G was bouncing around.

Fireworks on Tampa Bay. They were no Macy’s fireworks, but then, it was also a lot less trouble than going to see NYC fireworks, with the crowds and the commute.

We sat on a blanket on the waterfront, and had cherries and cookies and chips and milk for the kids and port for the grown ups and watchd the boom boom flash flash.

Before the fireworks, we watched the backside of the sunset, and the thunderclouds flashing with lightning. A pair of flamingos flew over the bay and they were the same color as the the clouds.

Great pictures of G and Ivy in the garden.

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