Monday, January 26, 2004

I'm no longer looking for an escape hatch. I like this funny earth suit I'm in.

The above quote is by odiouswoman. A great enough quote that she deserves to be in my links section. Plus she writes about the zen of running. And I was talking about the zen of running being like the zen of writing. So. I like.

And let me just say, it's scary not looking for an escape hatch.

Hmm. Maybe I should change that around. Because if I like this funny earth suit, and I do, then, maybe I should like right where I am, and maybe it's not so much SCARY, this no escape-hatch thing, maybe it's exciting. Maybe it's an adventure.

Oh, yeah. Adventure.

Maybe it'll be kind of fun jumping around and spinning and trying to find out the limitations of this earth suit. Maybe it's a suit like Batman puts on. Maybe it has all sorts of gadgets and power.

The power to hope for good things.
The power to roll with the punches.
The power to draw good people to me.
The power to see beyond the predictable and leap into the void.

And, oh yeah, the power to fly.

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