Tuesday, July 01, 2008

7/1 The Day of A Stormy Sky and Lovely Sunset

One on one time with Ivy. I said ‘did you know you’re a pretty girl/smart girl/sweet girl/funny girl?’ and she didn’t know any of those except for funny girl. Then she nodded, big smile. She is funny. She makes jokes, plays tricks, shatters expectations, and she likes shoes.

Buying stuff at the grocery store for G’s birthday. He picked out his cake (a mix. please.) frosting, candles. Very excited. He wanted cake for dinner that night.

Stormy sky outside at dusk.

Managed to post to my blogs today. I write on my lap top that is off line, save to memory key, transfer to uncle’s damaged mac, point and click, cut and paste. Post. Have even managed a few comments that way.

Reading some responses people have left. Understanding, warm. Much about the benefits of unexpected setbacks.

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