Thursday, January 22, 2004


You know, sometimes, art feels like poop.

I mean that in the most respectful way.

It’s like you have something in your gut trying work its way out. And then when its ready—out it comes!

That’s not to say that it is magic and it comes out of nothing. It comes out of what you put into your body (your life) Food, water, drugs. It comes out of your health, your hormones, your body chemicals and the working of your organs.

I know, sometimes I feel constipated. Sometimes it’s more like diarrhea (luckily, with art poop, you can’t die of diarrhea and the dehydration that comes with it. There’s always plenty of that stuff) Sometimes, it’s like I’m an anorexic and I have been putting nothing into myself, and so nothing comes out.

I would like to be regular.

Nurses always talk about being regular. I know fiber has something to do with it. I wonder what the art equivalent of fiber would be?

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