Thursday, April 24, 2008

4/24 The Day of Art and Life, Life and Art

While the kids played in the garden, this morning, I took out my journal and my art kit that I have started carrying around in my bag, and drew a picture. I drew the kids at play in the garden. I figured it was good to integrate life and art, art and life.

Checking many nice blogs today while kids were napping. Commented upon some. I’ve noticed that I have gotten about three comments on my own blog in the past week, only one of which is from someone I know. I attribute this upswing not only to my own activity on my blog, but being more social, making friends on facebook, putting a signature on my email with a url, telling people about my blog, and making comments on other bloggers posts. It all adds up. Must keep it up.

Finding old friends on facebook. One of my favorite students, a friend from college and an ex-boyfriend who was always better as a friend than as a mate for me. Both guys are married, and I am very happy for them, and the student is living it up, and I am very happy for her.

My step father called and he’s about to come over to take me on a circuit of the town so I can drop my resume at various restaurants. That other restaurant never called back, so I am moving on. Life is about moving on, sisters and brothers. Being open to the possibilities.

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