Saturday, April 26, 2008

4/26 The Day of the Dinnertime VICTORY!

Alone time. I don’t get to sit by myself and just be. I made sure I got to do that today. Not even kept company by tv or internet, just me and my journal. I think it helped.

S got to see a Yankee game. I think it helped him release pent up energy and put him in a better mood. His beloved “Jankees.”

I made my grandmother’s habichuelas guisadas or stewed beans, and rice, because I was telling my uncle about them, and he told me he’d had them the one time he came to NY when I was about 7. The recipe was not quite hers, because I either left it behind or stored it with my cook books. I’ll haave to talk to my mom about the recipe.

The beans were a big hit. They woke my uncle up from his nap because they smelled good, and he came down for a plate. And the smell got the boy interested while they were still on the stove. He asked me to let him see the beans, so I picked him up and let him look, and then I let him taste and he was very enthused, saying “more, more.” So I made him a plate for dinner and he had three helpings. No rice, but he ate beans! so I’m happy.

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