Saturday, April 26, 2008

4/26 The Morning of Taking Stock

When things are tough, and my mood is sinking into the toilet, I am able to go outside into the garden and sit there, listening to the waterfall tinkle into the pond, and the birds chirping and hooting and cawing. I can feel the sun on my face and the coolness of the dappled shade. I can watch the butterflies and the tadpoles and the lizards dart in and out of water, air, land and greenness all about. And I can breathe and get my head back on straight.

Chili dogs for lunch.

Finishing the hard sudoku.

G figured out a way to pretend to be Spiderman. He takes his blankie, and it’s various dangling strings and flings it out at you like Spidey’s webflinging. He has spent the morning trapping baby sister until she got too cranky, and then I found myself frequently wrapped up in baby blue knit spiderweb.

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